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Find Your Purpose and Make Your Work and Life Sing in Harmony

Itay Forer
4 min readApr 28, 2021


A lot of entrepreneurs talk about hustle as though it’s a religion. They’ll tell you that the only way to be successful is through constant hard work, making personal sacrifices at every opportunity to work on the business instead.

Hard work is important, of course, but “hustle” has just become an excuse for people to work so hard that they literally drop down dead.

And on the subject of death, have you ever heard of someone reaching the end of their life and saying, “I wish I’d worked more”? It just doesn’t happen.

What we need is a different perspective. There are other things to think about above and beyond doing our job and being compensated for it. And if we don’t take the time to find harmony between our personal and professional lives, we burn out — or worse.

Burnout is a real problem, and a lot of people focus too heavily on the rat race. In fact, that’s a misnomer because “rat race” implies that there’s a finish line. Instead, it’s more like a hamster wheel, with people running faster and faster to spin the wheel around without actually going anywhere.

The statistics don’t lie. Three-quarters of people have felt burned out at work, and 40% have felt burned out specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic. Women aged 20 to 35 and…



Itay Forer

Serial entrepreneur & mentor who built a business from an initial team of 3 to managing a 300 person workforce.